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The BC Sheep Separation Program

Mycoplasma ovipneumoniae (M. ovi) is a bacterial species commonly found in the nasal cavity and sinuses of apparently healthy domestic sheep and goats.

It is transmitted to wild sheep and goats (bighorn sheep, thinhorn sheep and mountain goats) via nose-to-nose contact and, less commonly, aerosol/droplet transmission. In bighorn sheep, and very likely thinhorn sheep, M. ovi has been associated with large all-aged die-offs due to pneumonia, often followed by years of lower lamb birth and survival rates that can have devastating population impacts.

Interactions between domestic and wild populations can occur throughout the year. However, these occurrences tend to increase during times of wild sheep rut.

Some domestic sheep and goats carry M. ovi in there noses.

Roaming wild sheep pick up the bacteria when they visit or encounter domestic animals.

M. ovi positive animals spread the pathogen throughout their herd, causing a die-off.

Some ewes develop long-term "chronic" infections.

Ewes may carry bacteria and infect lambs for many years with little immunity; they often die before two months of age.


A film created for the purpose of raising awareness about M. ovi. 


Doctors, biologists, & volunteers and Farmers come together to fight a deadly disease threatening both wild & domestic sheep, in this feature-length documentary.

The British Columbia Sheep Separation Program (BCSSP) is an important program for BC’s wild sheep, promoting healthy wild sheep throughout the province by reducing contact between wild and domestic sheep.

Have you witnessed contact between wild and domestic sheep? This presents real risk to our wild herds, please report to: 


BC Sheep Separation Program

Program Coordinator | Jeremy Ayotte



More Information:

Wild Sheep Society of BC

#101-30799 Simpson Road

Abbotsford, BC V2T 6X4


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