We welcome Mackenzie Clarke to the podcast to talk about Bighorn Sheep in the Okanagan. Mackenzie is the Senior tmixʷ Biologist for Okanagan Nation Alliance and she is tackling the issue of Psoroptes Mange in Bighorn Sheep in the region.

Recently Okanagan Nation Alliance and the Wild Sheep Society of BC signed a Memorandum of Understanding focusing on the recovery on these wild sheep populations. Mackenzie dives into the multitude of issues that are plaguing these herds, what ONA is doing and her specific role in the project.
The Wild Sheep Foundation and their Chapters and Affiliates through their Grant in Aid program partnered on this year's Psoroptes Mange Drug Treatment Trials. The goal is to see if captive Bighorn Sheep can be cleared of the disease using drug treatments and if so how long they can remain cleared of the disease.
Mackenzie is incredibly knowledgeable and this is a great discussion on the great work the Okanagan Nation Alliance conducts throughout their territory for many species including Grizzly Bear. The Wild Sheep Society of BC is grateful for this opportunity to work together with Okanagan Nation Alliance on this project and other initiatives of shared values.
Talk is Sheep is the Official Podcast of the Wild Sheep Society of BC. The official sponsor of the Wild Sheep Society of BC is SITKA Gear and our Conservation Partners - Frontiersmen Gear, Gunwerks, OnX Maps, Precision Optics, Schnee's, Stone Glacier, Wild TV, YETI and Zeiss.